Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Reflection on Week 5

This week it was particularly interesting to find out about the local cemeteries in the others towns and villages. It is wierd how everywhere I go since this class I keep out an extra look for old cemeteries hidden in different places. I find myself stopping off on the side of the road often to just look at the different gravestones and iconography. I think I have about drove my husband insane. Whenever we pass an interesting cemetery I want to talk about what the cherubs, veils, and tall monuments are. I was also thinking alot about what Marcha said about what we are supposed to do with cemeteries when theyre no longer active, the family has perished, and we are left with a lawn full of stone. Also, here are some more metaphors I have come up with this week..some more abstract than others..
A cemetery is a reason to visit the dead.
A cemetery is a playground for the soul.
A cemetery is an artshow for the makers of monuments.
A cemetery is a place for the forgotten who wish to be remembered.
A cemetery is a broken organized refridgerator where everything goes spoiled.
A cemetery is an individualized hotel for the dead.
A cemetery is full of seeds planted to grow no more.

1 comment:

  1. Poor husband! But it is intriguing once you start to recognize the symbols and patterns... you see them everywhere!
